I'm Michael Suodenjoki - a software engineer living in Kgs. Lyngby, north of Copenhagen, Denmark. This is my personal site containing my blog, photos, articles and main interests.

Updated 2011.01.23 15:37 +0100


Wish I could be there

Much of the stuff that I've be writing about on the lasts few months of blog entries are stuff which will be the topic subjects of Stroustrup's and Sutter's' C++ Seminar on March 19-20, 2007. I just wish I could be there to hear them.

I sincerely hope they will video record the seminar in full length so that everybody could experience the most influencing two persons dealing with the C++ programming language.

Most of the topics are of general nature, i.e. subject to every programming language and to most software developers. They just happen to use C++ as their preference.